Hopf algebras and Galois module theory

28th - 31st May 2024, University of Nebraska at Omaha / Online

Schedule and Abstracts

Slides for the talks given are available via the links below.
The complete schedule, along with the list of abstracts, is here.

  • Tuesday 28th May
    • Cindy (Sin Yi) Tsang: Maschke’s theorem and irreducible representations for skew braces. Slides / Video
    • Paul Truman: Skew bracoids and the Yang-Baxter equation. Slides / Video
    • Alan Koch: Skew left bracoids via abelian maps. Slides / Video
    • Isabel Martin-Lyons: Almost Classical Skew Bracoids. Slides / Video
  • Wednesday 29th May
    • Nigel Byott: Counting Quaternion and Dihedral Braces and the Associated Hopf-Galois Structures. Slides / Video
    • Tim Kohl: Isomorphic Holomorphs. Slides / Video
    • Teresa Crespo: Left braces of size p2(2p + 1)2, for p an odd Germain prime. Slides / Video
    • Robert Underwood, The Baer Product and Extensions of Hopf Orders. Slides / Video
  • Thursday 30th May
    • Kevin Keating: Abrashkin’s work on the higher ramification filtration I. Slides / Video
    • Paul Schwartz: A Heisenberg description of nilpotent groups of class 2 and progress toward Galois scaffolds. Slides / Video
    • Ilaria Del Corso: The (Hopf-)Galois module structure of integers in radical extensions I. Slides / Video
    • Paul Truman: The (Hopf-)Galois module structure of integers in radical extensions II. Slides / Video
  • Friday 31at May
    • Kevin Keating: Abrashkin’s work on the higher ramification filtration II. Slides / Video
    • Lorenzo Stefanello: Classifying Galois extensions with Childs’s property. Slides / Video
    • Calum Heldt: Artin-Schreier presentations for nonabelian extensions of degree p5. Slides / Video

Photo and Poster

The conference poster is here.
The conference photo is here.

This page was last updated on the 5th of June 2024.